Meet our Brilliant Detectives–The Masters of Mystery

The legend of Sherman Jones

Sherman Jones, a bloke whose name rings with crime-solving brilliance came into this world on a nippy London morning in ’65. As a boy, his brain was bursting with curiosity and smarts, setting him on a path to becoming Scotland Yard’s top detective, no less.

Young Sherman was a right bookworm, devouring tomes about science, history, and the cosmos. He’d spend nights gawping at the stars, pondering the toff idea of time itself. Little did he know, his nosy brain would open doors to the downright unbelievable.

When he joined Scotland Yard, Sherman shot up the ranks faster than you can say “pip pip.” He became famous for piecing together clues like a puzzle champ. Even the dodgiest crooks were quaking in their boots. But it was a surprise discovery that threw his life for a loop.

In ’95, during a case about art theft, Sherman stumbled upon a device called the “Chronoceptor” in some dusty scientist’s archives. That contraption unlocked the secrets of time travel. With his boundless nosiness and guts of steel, Sherman started gallivanting through time itself.

As a time-hopping detective, Sherman went around cracking cases, stopping calamities, and unriddling history’s mysteries. He hopped from ancient times to the future, and his detective smarts came in handy, let me tell you.

Despite all the wacky stuff he got up to, Sherman stayed a humble Scotland Yard detective, keeping his timey-wimey shenanigans a proper secret. To his mates at the Yard, he was just a genius gumshoe with a sixth sense. To the world, a hero, always sorting out the weirdest mysteries.

Sherman’s not your average detective, you see. He’s also got this knack for regeneration, A quantum twist that’s wilder than a two-headed alien tap-dancing in a teacup. He’s got more versions than a bug-riddled software update!

Sherman Jones’s legend lives on. He’s a symbol of brainy exploration and the quest for truth, right there in the pages of history.

Meet the detectives

The Murder Company takes pride in the diverse range of characters we offer for our murder mystery events. From brilliant detectives to enigmatic investigators, our talented actors embody a cast of intriguing personalities, ready to immerse you in a world of suspense and mystery. Let the characters come to life and create an unforgettable experience for you and your guests.